Theresa Hutter's blog  -  Hi from Vancouver Island ... Bye to Marsh Lake Yukon & Woodstock Ontario

official websites for Theresa M Hutter:


BC home phone:  778.421.0434

cell-phone:  519.535.4083


link for this blog page:

mail:  2182 Motion Dr, Port Alberni, BC  V9Y1B3

back to

  jump to 1st photo (May 2013) at page bottom
My 2013 - 2020 pictures, videos & stories: (change YouTube settings to HD for crisper videos - try full-screen option)

A sincere thank you to all who helped me put this together!
syrian quartet concert On Aug26th 2020 our dear mom, Theresa Hutter (age 88), passed away very peacefully at our home on Vancouver Island. Below, her blog tracks her daily life after leaving Woodstock Ontario in Sept/2013. She came to live with us in The Yukon and fell in luv with the North. But the snowbird in her was calling and a year later the three of us (and our pets) relocated to Vancouver Island. We miss her so much but this page helps us with lotsa good memories...

Freddy Hutter & Evalina Zamana,
Port Alberni, BC
(250) 918-5325

scroll down to work back chronologically or jump direct
to the 1st photo back at May 2013 by a clik here: page bottom
Here's Theresa's blog:
July 13th 2022:  Today was a good news vs bad news kind of day.  After eight years, Theresa finally received the $233,000 proceeds from the 2014 sale of her Woodstock home. Kept from her own money, Theresa arranged a mortgage and bought an older house overlooking the Pacific Ocean in 2014. She had lots of decorating ideas for her new home having decided to live out her days in her own residence instead of an expensive government facility. Unfortunately, through a maze of legal manoeuvres, Victor Hutter & Marilyn Watson-Hutter prevented Theresa from getting a dime of "their" Inheritances and she died with unfulfilled dreams...

The money has been deposited to Theresa's Estate bank acct. After nine years, they will finally receive the fair share of their Inheritances. They've waited a long time for what will be a much smaller cheque. They spent $60,000 over five years attempting to secure court orders to force Theresa to return to Ontario where they could again declare her incompetent and become her guardians. Theresa had no choice but to spend the same defending their mischievous legal actions. $120,000 in total down the toilet and the irony is astounding:  on top of their monetary loss, $40K of Theresa's legal costs were really their own Inheritances! Yes, they lost $100K ... and to what end? They chased her from Ontario. They made her life miserable. They never got back CONTROL of her life. And they robbed seven sons, daughters & nephews (& their own kids) of the final six years with their grandma (& great-grandmother).

And then there's this: Theresa had Last Will afterthoughts to donate some money to Woodstock's Trinity Catholic Parish. She was a CWL member at St Mary's from 1969-2019. And to pay for her brother & sister-in-law's SUV. They drove her back & forth from Cocoa Beach during her snowbird days. To penalize her procrastination, my estranged siblings are challenging her last wishes. Unless lawyers work out a fair settlement, the Supreme Court of BC wants me to make arrangements to come back. Here we go again! They're spending $40,000 in legal fees (their own $ plus their $ share of Inheritances) to save $24K?  Insanity reigns back in Ontario...

June 24th 2022:  The Supreme Court of BC has appointed me (Freddy) as Executor of Theresa's last will - refusing an attempt by Victor Hutter & Marilyn Hutter Watson's to (re)gain control of her Estate - an effort they began in 2013 after she revoked their roles as her Power of Attorney & Executors. After a fall in her Woodstock home, Theresa claimed "They left me to die!" and later posted on her Facebook page:  "To save other seniors, I want to share my experience with elder abuse by my estranged son & daughter ... I don't even want him or Marilyn or Christine at my funeral!"


Theresa's garden video (7 minutes)
clik above for YouTube access
or below for HiDef version
& please be patient while it loads...

replacing my deck - finally!
August 11th 2020:  This is our mom's last video, just a few days before her passing. On Aug26th she went for her daily neighbourhood walk and was on the couch watching her fav' music video (Anthony Quinn's Zorba the Greek) while waiting for lunch and just quietly slipped away...

Theresa loved Vancouver Island - the wildlife & its vibrant music scene. And missed Ontario - her best friend Marianne Butzakowski, her Windermere Crescent neighbours and her dear brother Steve & sister-in-law Ann Engardt.

But there was also a dark side. Her estranged son Victor Hutter & daughter Marilyn Hutter-Watson begrudged Theresa being out West spending their Inheritances - so they made spending from her trust-account impossible. Port Alberni is famous for its 38ºC (100ºF) summers - but they withheld consent for her air-conditioner installation. When she needed short term recuperation at a seniors residence, they blocked access for rent money. And when time came to rebuild her deck and sunroom - no money came from Ontario. Could it get worse?  Yes - the pair influenced their own children to shun their grandmother for six years: no Christmas, birthday or Mothers Day cards, flowers or calls. Just some of the reasons Theresa became known as a sincere & vociferous ambassador for financial/elder abuse - to the end...

asian pear blossoms
April 20th:  Spring finally here and our Asian pear blossoms are looking good!


March 17th:  Did ya ever dine on green nalesniki (Polish crépes) and cream cheese?  We also had green sparkling asian pear wine (from our own tree) ... 'cuz it's St Patrick's Day.

pulled pork

apricot jam

ginger ale


cherry whisky
Feb 23rd:  Spring is very late this year.  It's still fun to shop with Theresa.  She still knows what she likes.  Today it's a pork shoulder, her fav' apricot jam, some ginger ale & of course chocolates.  Then - across the street to the liquor store.  No Hungarian Golden Pear on the shelf - but she says Cherry Whisky will do just fine!


Jan 24th:  Another entertaining classical concert at Arrowsmith Baptist Church.  Tonite was Ontario's Trio d'Argento - piano, flute & cello - and ran into Sheila, another CWL member.

snow walk

Jan 14th 2020:  Had a chance to wear the Yukon muk-luks today ...  finally got our first snowfall of the winter in Port Alberni.


Freddy & Theresa

christmas baking & bird treats

christmas baking
Dec 25th 2019:  Started Christmas Day with some fresh baked goodies for us & special treats for the gulls, crows, stellar jays, flickers, woodpeckers, doves, juncos, chickadees, sparrows & starlings we luv to feed every morning.

Then came that wonderful turkey spread.

And finished off with our own new Santa Rosa plum wine.

Theresa's estranged son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) asked her grandchildren to shun her so for a sixth year she got not a single Mothers Day, Birthday or Christmas card.  On New Years she will surely celebrate with some Hungarian Golden Pear...

gathering christmas greens
Dec 14th:  Gathering fresh green boughs for our Christmas bouquets while hiking today.  Nice drier autumn this year ... and no sign of flurries yet.


Theresa & Helen
Nov 30th:  Leonard & Helen of Whitehorse Yukon are visiting us for the second time this year so we all popped over to the Smoke 'n Water Resort to listen to the sultry jazz vocals of our favourite Island musicians - Annie & Dave of the Easy Street Duo.

death camp email  threat

Fir Park Village doesn't want you to see these complaints:

Jan 23 2019 (Facebook, etc)
facebook warning to community

Jan 29 2019 (Vancouver Island Health Authority, Seniors Advocate, etc)
Jan 29, 2019
Attn  Warren Locke,
VIHA Patient Care & Quality Review Board
BC Ministry of Health
Victoria BC

Evalina Zamana and I have provided home care for my mom, Theresa Hutter, for the past five years.  She was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease in 2010.  A food-poison episode on Mothers Day 2018 and its 10-day hospital stay left her with incontinence and tragically reduced mental competence.  For a short while she did not recognize us.  Dr Muehlenberg's discharge was conditional upon VIHA immediately providing home workers to assist us and referral to VIHA's long-term care wait list.

Only seven weeks later we were advised of a residence vacancy at Fir Park Village.  As there is no opportunity for a preferred facility when one gets that call from VIHA, one feels quite pressured.  But FPV seemed a good prospect 'cuz Theresa was familiar with some staff and seniors there.  FPV hosts the Adult Day Services she was already attending.  We all liked its activities and friendly rapport.  Despite this complaint, we still consider this program - run by Surj Jhaj & Karen Hall - to be a valuable service to the community and wish to emphasize we have no concerns with its operation.

Theresa's admission process lasted two hours on July 13th.  Many of FPV's questions and our explanations of Theresa's needs duplicated the earlier orientation with Karen & Surj.  We were assured assessment notes from both would be merged to reveal any lapses.

Within days, signs of neglect appeared:
- uncombed unwashed hair
- bedridden whenever we visited (mornings/afternoons/evenings) albeit she has no history of napping
- unbrushed dentures and/or sleeping with dentures
- unclean bum and rash
- high frequency use of pull-ups albeit VIHA home-workers & Adult Day Services staff rarely required new pull-ups.
- apparently no more 4-hr prompts to go to toilet
- poop found under fingernails (reflecting lack of prompts to hand-wash)
- excessive 3 lb/week weight gain
- urine soaked pants

- requests for larger shoes due to foot swelling

After only twelve weeks:
- constant limping
- tears in eyes most visits from hip pain
- introduction of Tylenol-3 "when needed"
- intro of daily max dose (4000mg) Tylenol
- intro of walker
- intro of wheelchair
- intro of morphine (3x's daily)
- 29% (32 lbs) gain in body weight (110 to 142 lb)
- notable loss of lucidity
- unbrushed teeth, poorly brushed denture bridge
- and the ultimate indignity:  7/24

n our increasingly impatient and frequent complaints to staff, we were eventually threatened by nurse leader (Bev Liong) with police charges of "workplace harassment".  We dismissed the rhetoric on learning from other FPV families it was a common intimidation method.  We then asked to meet with management to discuss our concerns.  In all there were five meetings Aug 29th to Dec 14th with directors and supervisory staff.

The hip pain stems from a decades long osteoarthritis affliction.  We found it manifests whenever weight exceeds about 130 lbs.  However, FPV advised they are committed to "comfort foods" and "keeping residents happy" and "not rehabilitation" and "we don't treat dementia residents as children, we respect their wishes at all times".  Really?  Inmates running the asylum - as they say?  As such, they refused are pleas for reduced salt, sugar, portion sizes, desserts and fruit drinks.  We know this regimen triggered the weight gain, higher blood pressure and subsequent pain medications.

An important issue for us on admission to both the Adult Day Services and the long-term residency was the "no contact list".  Theresa has long accused my sister, my brother and his daughter of financial abuse, elder abuse and harassment.  She became estranged from them in Sept/2013.  Her emails, phone calls and internet blog postings ( often ended with the familiar phrase "Do not ever talk to me again - I don't even want you at my funeral."  FPV knowingly ignored our "no contact list" and allowed Theresa's abusers to call and/or visit their victim with impunity.  Fortunately these frequent episodes occurred when she was highly sedated (Nov/Dec).

Prior to her July admission, it was common for us and VIHA workers to accompany Theresa on one-hour hikes to Canal Beach and back - up the hills of Cameron Heights.  She also attended at a local gym.  Her sister-in-law says the hospital stay in May was likely her first admission since giving child birth.  The lady was very healthy.  The FPV pain management regimen called for a sedentary environment and a vicious cycle.  Weight gain led to hip stress and pain, leading to sitting around, resulting in muscle atrophy and more weight gain from inactivity and so on and so on...

Finally the ineptness spread to FPV's administration office.  On New Years Eve we received a registered letter demanding $11,087.  But on that precise day there existed no unpaid invoices.  Worse than the multitude of statement errors, VIHA staff later revealed to us that FPV had lost a $7,593 certified cheque delivered Dec 11th.

We consider to be lucky my mom is alive and only thru our continued intervention did she last long enuf to celebrate Christmas with us.  During her stay at FPV we often took mom shopping, to live music events and to the hair salon.  At home she enjoyed playing with the pets, gardening, socializing with neighbours and watching TV (Young & Restless, figure skating, movies and Trump on CNN).

We took her home for the holidays on Dec 23rd.  On finding her FPV room locked and receiving the Dec 31st eviction notice, we notified VIHA we would be picking up her belongings to end this fiasco.  VIHA intervened but could not convince FPV to apologize for their error.  After meeting with Dr Muehlenberg we decided to collect her room contents on January 8th ... thus bringing to an end this ugly 23-week chapter.

Theresa again resides at her Motion Drive home and arrangements were made the following day for VIHA to resume its home worker visits and respites.  We are pleased to report Theresa is in much better spirits, has lost nine pounds, no longer takes Tylenol, morphine is reduced by 67%, lost her walker and wheelchair.  The pain induced tears are gone and her daily walks already exceed 20-minutes.

Friends, family, neighbours, CWL members - nobody could believe how a nice cheerful old lady had deteriorated to "near death" conditions in a matter of weeks.  Many of them have loved ones or friends at Fir Park Village or its Echo Village affiliate.  Albeit Theresa is recovering, they have encouraged us to continue our complaint to you (and social media) to help present and future folks at those facilities.

It was put "if your mom suffered these indignities then it follows that others from the community do also - but likely have nobody to complain for them."  If your monitoring leads to any improvement of practices and reduced neglect there will be a windfall to many.  We acknowledge FPV did in fact address "some" items listed above.  But how many residents suffer similar issues but have no advocate??

We now believe the horrors we see on the annual updates of CBC/CTV exposé's on nursing home care in Canada.  It was not difficult for us to find some poor soul dies every 13 days at Fir Park Village.  We want to see neglect of loved ones addressed by your agency...

Feel free to contact us anytime for clarifications and advise us of your disposition.

Freddy Hutter & Evalina Zamana
2182 Motion Dr, Port Alberni BC V9Y1B3
(778) 421-0209
Nov 29th 2019:  Back in August 2018, Fir Park Village nursing home of Port Alberni threatened they would ask the RCMP to lay "workplace violence & trespass charges" against us if we continued to protest their neglectful practices.  It very shortly came to our attention other local families & guardians faced the same lame intimidation.

Meetings with management were futile. By Thanxgiving, Theresa was near death:  wheelchair-bound & spaced out on morphine. 
While she was home for Christmas, a registered letter advised us they had lost $7,593 of her rent money and she would have to replace it.  In effect it was a disguised, foolish plan to evict her due to our persistent complaints.

Theresa's friends/family/neighbours did not believe this bad experience was unique to her and asked us to go public so as to warn the community FPV had become a death camp.  They hoped exposing our complaints would warn some guardians to consider similar extractions and better oversight by BC's Ministry of Health.

We obliged and in January 2019 shared FPV's health care & financial deficiencies with the media, Facebook, etc as well as written complaints to the BC gov't agencies overseeing this facility.

Joe McQuaid, director of Fir Park Village, was not happy.  He phoned and demanded the complaints be retracted 'cuz the publicity was harmful to their reputation.  When challenged to identify which statements were untruthful, there was silence.  Then he threatened to have his lawyers commence legal defamation action.

As seen on this blog, Theresa's situation is much improved since being rescued from Fir Park Village.  Her 20-minute daily walks are sans cane & walker; she's shed 23 pounds of the excessive weight gain; down to 4 prescriptions from 11; and no more tears...

She also received a thoughtful letter from the Vancouver Island Health Authority apologizing for her unfortunate experience at the hands of Fir Park Village.

Joe McQuaid & Fir Park Village still refuse to apologize.

Over at FPV, the fallout from ongoing government investigations & surveillance of their facility must be really irritating their management. As you can see in the attached email (left pane),
today it's ten months later and we finally received the warning from Lyle Carlstrom, lawyer for Fir Park Village, threatening legal action unless the complaints are retracted.  Again there is failure to identify any untruthful statements.

The intimidation tactics by Fir Park Village nursing home give a local flavour to CBC Marketplace's video segment just seven days ago warning Canadians of a disturbing rising trend whereby nursing homes facing local criticism are attacking those critics via trespass notices & mischievous defamation court actions. (CBC exposé starts at 13:02 on video)

For anyone subjected to similar
intimidation by FPV, take solace in the following:

(a) VIHA allows family members who fear neglect & abuse is rampant to relocate their loved ones to another facility.

(b) Slander & libel legal threats are w/o merit if the accusation is TRUE.  In short, where the plaintiff's own action or inaction has spawned their loss of reputation, anyone including the media is free to expose those truths with impunity...

(c) Share your experience with the media and seek their guidance (and templates) wrt areas of concern to pursue (1) in the discovery process (e.g. 5-yr archive of complaints and financial records); (2) seeking court order for FPV or others to memorialize (and not destroy) related correspondence, emails, voice mails and texts; & (3) pertinent FOI requests.

(d) As revealed in the CBC Marketplace video, police consider these nursing home pleas for trespass charges as nuisance calls and crown attorneys have been withdrawing past charges.

Mexican nite out for birthday

Bette & Theresa

Peter & Freddy

Bette & Theresa & Fran
Oct 26th:  Theresa celebrated part two of her 88th birthday at the Crofton Pub with Bette, Fran & Peter and very loud Mexican music.

mamma mia  stage

singing along at mamma mia musical
Oct 18th:  So to celebrate birthday #88 we all zipped down to watch Port Alberni's production of Mamma Mia.  The musical's cast & orchestra were all locals.

And guess who is a fan of audience participation?  We've watched the movie a dozen times but THIS WAS THE BEST!

syrian quartet concert
Oct 5th:  It's concert nite in Port Alberni's Arrowsmith Church - Orentes Classical Guitar Quartet. A very entertaining evening by the young Syrian refugees sponsored by UVic.

big asian pears

it's pear day
Sept 30th:  It's time to pick our Asian pears again - mostly for sparkling wine & some sherry.  Also a record bumper crop: 460-lbs from just one tree!


Sept 7th:  A great day over at the Alberni Fall Fair.  Petting lots of critters at the Ag building and listening to some nice live jazz by Annie & Dave of Easy Street Duo.

wednesday evening market
Aug 14th:  Uptown was closed to traffic this summer for Wednesday evening market vendors and live music.


Aug 9th:  Busy with Evalina in the kitchen - chili nite!

picking plums

bumper crop of plums this year
Aug 5th:  We're all picking the bumper crop of our Santa Rosa plums - a record 135-lbs from just one tree!  There's gonna be alotta wine & sherry down-the-road...


July 11th:  A pleasant evening hosted at Buchra's classic tug boat (Swept Away Inn) at Harbour Quay.  Morgan Davis treated us with and his old tyme tunes & tales (TH in red sweater).

walk by the river
June 14th:  A gorgeous day for Theresa to walk by the Somass river at Victoria Quay.




June 2nd:  Theresa & Evalina enjoy a refreshing break during the annual Westwind Show 'n Shine - dozens of antique/classic/sports cars.

meeting kids at African Childrens Concert

watching the concert
May 30th:  Theresa liked all the music, colour & cheerfulness at the African Children's Choir tonite ... and especially enjoyed meeting some of the kids afterwards.

Guide Dog walkathon1

with Evalina & Fred at the Lions dog guide walkathon
May 26th:  Screw Port Alberni's death camp aka Fir Park Village with their infamous morphine & wheelchair regimen to keep inmates peaceful.   Theresa was able to complete the Lions Walk-for-Dog-Guides today!  Trust your elders to family home care & VIHA home support ... not a facility where an inmate perishes every 13 days.

Theresa escaped our local death camp last Christmas Eve and presently takes 4 pills daily instead of two handfuls.  She is healthy, more lucid, cheerful and luvs her outings.

cruise boat in alberni harbour

pier activity

alberni pier
May 25th:  A cruise boat visited Alberni Harbour today so lots of activity down at the pier.

game of thrones nite
May 12th:  We wrapped up Mother's Day with an evening of pizza, black forest cake and Game of Thrones!


clik here for 6am pecker & please set to FULL-SCREEN
April 27th:  Every morning at 6am for the last three weeks, we've been woke up by this fella pecking at the top of our "metal" clothesline pole!

walking the dyke
April 12th:  Walking the dyke in Port Alberni is not as challenging as the hiking trails, but this hour of exercise sure beats sitting in a wheelchair at a nursing home - and lost 16 of the 32-lbs gained there.  Lots of locals walk their doggies here.  

big band music

April 7th:  We had front row seats for a wonderful nite of old tyme music as the 17-member Nanaimo Big Band Orchestra visited Port Alberni.

shroud of turin expo

arriving in Campbell River
March 15th:  A bunch of ladies from Port Alberni are up in Campbell River BC today to see the Shroud of Turin expo.  We were treated to a wonderful salmon lunch hosted by St Patrick's CWL.

Fir Park Village doesn't want you to see these complaints:

Jan 23 2019 (Facebook, etc)
facebook warning to community

Jan 29 2019 (Vancouver Island Health Authority, etc)
Jan 29, 2019
Attn  Warren Locke,
VIHA Patient Care & Quality Review Board
BC Ministry of Health
Victoria BC

Evalina Zamana and I have provided home care for my mom, Theresa Hutter, for the past five years.  She was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease in 2010.  A food-poison episode on Mothers Day 2018 and its 10-day hospital stay left her with incontinence and tragically reduced mental competence.  For a short while she did not recognize us.  Dr Muehlenberg's discharge was conditional upon VIHA immediately providing home workers to assist us and referral to VIHA's long-term care wait list.

Only seven weeks later we were advised of a residence vacancy at Fir Park Village.  As there is no opportunity for a preferred facility when one gets that call from VIHA, one feels quite pressured.  But FPV seemed a good prospect 'cuz Theresa was familiar with some staff and seniors there.  FPV hosts the Adult Day Services she was already attending.  We all liked its activities and friendly rapport.  Despite this complaint, we still consider this program - run by Surj Jhaj & Karen Hall - to be a valuable service to the community and wish to emphasize we have no concerns with its operation.

Theresa's admission process lasted two hours on July 13th.  Many of FPV's questions and our explanations of Theresa's needs duplicated the earlier orientation with Karen & Surj.  We were assured assessment notes from both would be merged to reveal any lapses.

Within days, signs of neglect appeared:
- uncombed unwashed hair
- bedridden whenever we visited (mornings/afternoons/evenings) albeit she has no history of napping
- unbrushed dentures and/or sleeping with dentures
- unclean bum and rash
- high frequency use of pull-ups albeit VIHA home-workers & Adult Day Services staff rarely required new pull-ups.
- apparently no more 4-hr prompts to go to toilet
- poop found under fingernails (reflecting lack of prompts to hand-wash)
- excessive 3 lb/week weight gain
- urine soaked pants

- requests for larger shoes due to foot swelling

After only twelve weeks:
- constant limping
- tears in eyes most visits from hip pain
- introduction of Tylenol-3 "when needed"
- intro of daily max dose (4000mg) Tylenol
- intro of walker
- intro of wheelchair
- intro of morphine (3x's daily)
- 29% (32 lbs) gain in body weight (110 to 142 lb)
- notable loss of lucidity
- unbrushed teeth, poorly brushed denture bridge
- and the ultimate indignity:  7/24

n our increasingly impatient and frequent complaints to staff, we were eventually threatened by nurse leader (Bev Liong) with police charges of "workplace harassment".  We dismissed the rhetoric on learning from other FPV families it was a common intimidation method.  We then asked to meet with management to discuss our concerns.  In all there were five meetings Aug 29th to Dec 14th with directors and supervisory staff.

The hip pain stems from a decades long osteoarthritis affliction.  We found it manifests whenever weight exceeds about 130 lbs.  However, FPV advised they are committed to "comfort foods" and "keeping residents happy" and "not rehabilitation" and "we don't treat dementia residents as children, we respect their wishes at all times".  Really?  Inmates running the asylum - as they say?  As such, they refused are pleas for reduced salt, sugar, portion sizes, desserts and fruit drinks.  We know this regimen triggered the weight gain, higher blood pressure and subsequent pain medications.

An important issue for us on admission to both the Adult Day Services and the long-term residency was the "no contact list".  Theresa has long accused my sister, my brother and his daughter of financial abuse, elder abuse and harassment.  She became estranged from them in Sept/2013.  Her emails, phone calls and internet blog postings ( often ended with the familiar phrase "Do not ever talk to me again - I don't even want you at my funeral."  FPV knowingly ignored our "no contact list" and allowed Theresa's abusers to call and/or visit their victim with impunity.  Fortunately these frequent episodes occurred when she was highly sedated (Nov/Dec).

Prior to her July admission, it was common for us and VIHA workers to accompany Theresa on one-hour hikes to Canal Beach and back - up the hills of Cameron Heights.  She also attended at a local gym.  Her sister-in-law says the hospital stay in May was likely her first admission since giving child birth.  The lady was very healthy.  The FPV pain management regimen called for a sedentary environment and a vicious cycle.  Weight gain led to hip stress and pain, leading to sitting around, resulting in muscle atrophy and more weight gain from inactivity and so on and so on...

Finally the ineptness spread to FPV's administration office.  On New Years Eve we received a registered letter demanding $11,087.  But on that precise day there existed no unpaid invoices.  Worse than the multitude of statement errors, VIHA staff later revealed to us that FPV had lost a $7,593 certified cheque delivered Dec 11th.

We consider to be lucky my mom is alive and only thru our continued intervention did she last long enuf to celebrate Christmas with us.  During her stay at FPV we often took mom shopping, to live music events and to the hair salon.  At home she enjoyed playing with the pets, gardening, socializing with neighbours and watching TV (Young & Restless, figure skating, movies and Trump on CNN).

We took her home for the holidays on Dec 23rd.  On finding her FPV room locked and receiving the Dec 31st eviction notice, we notified VIHA we would be picking up her belongings to end this fiasco.  VIHA intervened but could not convince FPV to apologize for their error.  After meeting with Dr Muehlenberg we decided to collect her room contents on January 8th ... thus bringing to an end this ugly 23-week chapter.

Theresa again resides at her Motion Drive home and arrangements were made the following day for VIHA to resume its home worker visits and respites.  We are pleased to report Theresa is in much better spirits, has lost nine pounds, no longer takes Tylenol, morphine is reduced by 67%, lost her walker and wheelchair.  The pain induced tears are gone and her daily walks already exceed 20-minutes.

Friends, family, neighbours, CWL members - nobody could believe how a nice cheerful old lady had deteriorated to "near death" conditions in a matter of weeks.  Many of them have loved ones or friends at Fir Park Village or its Echo Village affiliate.  Albeit Theresa is recovering, they have encouraged us to continue our complaint to you (and social media) to help present and future folks at those facilities.

It was put "if your mom suffered these indignities then it follows that others from the community do also - but likely have nobody to complain for them."  If your monitoring leads to any improvement of practices and reduced neglect there will be a windfall to many.  We acknowledge FPV did in fact address "some" items listed above.  But how many residents suffer similar issues but have no advocate??

We now believe the horrors we see on the annual updates of CBC/CTV exposé's on nursing home care in Canada.  It was not difficult for us to find some poor soul dies every 13 days at Fir Park Village.  We want to see neglect of loved ones addressed by your agency...

Feel free to contact us anytime for clarifications and advise us of your disposition.

Freddy Hutter & Evalina Zamana
2182 Motion Dr, Port Alberni BC V9Y1B3
(778) 421-0209

Jan 29th:  The media & the Victoria Island Health Authority are being warned Fir Park Village is becoming a death camp for Port Alberni's local seniors.  One of this nursing home's inmates dies every 13 days...

Rather than address the multiple issues brought forward by concerned family members, friends & old neighbours, its management threatens police enforcement of trespass and legal action for defaming their reputation.


Don't be:

(a) VIHA allows family members who fear neglect & abuse is rampant to relocate their loved ones to another facility.

(b) Slander & libel legal threats are w/o merit if the accusation is TRUE.  In short, where the plaintiff's own action or inaction has spawned their loss of reputation, anyone including the media is free to expose those truths with impunity...

Share your experience with the media and seek their guidance (and templates) wrt areas of concern to pursue (1) in the discovery process (e.g. 5-yr archive of complaints and financial records); (2) seeking court order for FPV or others to memorialize (and not destroy) related correspondence, emails, voice mails and texts; & (3) pertinent FOI requests.
In this case, FPV's director (Joe McQuaid) refused to apologize to Theresa for inadequate care of her health & her monies.  So she was removed Christmas Eve, brought back to her residence in Cameron Heights and VIHA home support was reinstated.

Please consider the same...

Theresa's experience sadly confirms the troubling exposés broadcast annually by CTV & CBC are indeed genuine ... and have reached Port Alberni.

cwl 47 Jan 24th:  Theresa's 47th year with (Catholic Women's League) CWL!


rainbow 1901
Jan 18th:  Vancouver Island's autumn monsoon is winding down bringing us more fog than rain lately.  Throw in some rare winter sunshine and the brilliant rainbows return.

first flower
Jan 16th:  Usually our first flower is a crocus or snowdrop - and they are poking thru - but today we found this lovely Mountain Bluet in bloom already.
pruning pear tree
Jan 16th:  We always prune our fruit trees before the sap runs.  Thus far we've had only 3" snow and low of -6ºC.  Last autumn's bounty yielded 400 pounds of asian pears & portuguese plums - so pampering trees is definitely worthwhile.


Jan 8th:  After just seventeen days back at home, Theresa is feeling great, resuming normal routines and engaging in more conversatons.  She's lost eight pounds already!  The diapers and walkers are gone and she's been on short hikes for the first time in four months.  Her family doctor is back in charge today (3 meds gone incl Tylenol-3 and Morphine dosage reduced by 33%).

Jan 4th:  "On the 11th day of Christmas, my true luv gave to me..."

ragnar & frosty on new years day
Jan 1st 2019:  Playing with Ragnar & Frosty-Girl on New Years Day 'cuz there's still "so much Trump on CNN".  Every night thru the holidays we've been watching movies, concerts or hockey - with good deli cheese & sausage, chocolates, liqueurs and egg nog.

toilet Dec 31st 2018:  Theresa's dad lived to near age 102 and a memorable quirk of his final years was his resistance to stay put at old age homes.  Well perhaps "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" cuz Theresa's first try at the nursing home thingy is similarly going down the drain.  We're not sure if it's good news or bad news - but apparently while she was home for holidays her private room at Fir Park Village has been locked.  It looks like the innumerable complaints with respect to the shoddy care over there resulted in her ultimate eviction.

Everyone's heard the rumours that loved ones only last about four months at Fir Park before ending up at the funeral home.  Well, the exposés you see on CTV & CBC about some seniors homes is really true - and Theresa was well on that path.  There's only 60 residents at FPV, but every 13 days another poor soul kicks the bucket.  BTW, there is little ability for one to avoid the place.  When Vancouver Island Health Authority says your number has come up on the wait-list, one has no choice of the first placement facility.

Theresa took up residency in mid July.  She was one of the fortunate - having an open tenancy allowing a return to her Cameron Heights residence at any time and w/o curfew or return date restrictions.  Even so, family, friends & neighbours immediately noticed drastic deterioration in her care, health & lucidity.  And as was experience of other concerned resident advocates, complaints by Theresa's family to the staff were met by management with a response that continued criticism would result in petitions to the RCMP to lay charges of "workplace harassment and trespass".  Encouraged by others in the community facing similar reactions, the family persisted - resulting in verbal warnings in October & November that Theresa "may not have a place in the near future" ... in effect a threatened eviction.

The first signs of neglect were the obvious - unclean hands, bum rash, unbrushed teeth & dentures.  Then came the weight gain:  29% of her body weight (3 lbs per week) in just three months.  The impact was immediate.  Her hip and knees gave out - and she was in tears from pain just trying to walk to the dining room.

Their remedy:  Ibuprofen, then Tylenol, then maximum-dose T-3 & finally morphine - and thus she joined the many seemingly sedated fellow zombies.  She went from three pills a day to eleven.  And remember, in the days prior to being admitted to FPV, Theresa regularly hiked to Canal Beach & back -  a one hour trek down & up the formidable hills of Cameron Heights.  In less than 90 days she had been relegated to one of those walkers - and then a wheel chair.  Pleas for a weight-loss plan went unheeded.

The incompetence pervades the admin offices as well.  Theresa's eviction is said to be partly based on non-payment of rent. VIHA advised the family the staff had no record of Theresa's rent money being paid.  Today's eviction notice includes a final demand for eleven thousand dollars!  "They can all go to hell" said Theresa as she tried to rip up the registered letter.  Management was told to chase the nurse who "lost" the certified cheque three weeks ago ... not demand a second payment from Theresa.

Then there's the ignoring of her "no contact list" set up with Fir Park Village when she was admitted.  Theresa said on multiple occasions (below) she's suffered financial abuse and elder abuse activity for five years at the hands of her estranged son Victor Hutter, estranged daughter Marilyn Hutter Watson & estranged granddaughter Christine Baird.  Fir Park Village did not care.  Her abusers were allowed to phone and visit Theresa with impunity.

The victimization seems to never end.  Albeit Theresa spent $50,000 in legal fees over the last five years to keep those three family members away from her and regain control of her life savings, FPV failed to protect Theresa from further abuse.  The family was further enraged when it came to light the FPV Care Director failed to implement the requested weight-reduction regimen in order to comply with Victor's objection.

it does get worse.  Dignity doesn't matter at Fir Park.  Theresa was forced to wear a diaper all day...

It is clear that place was killing her and time was running out despite (four) interventions at the management level by the family.  Concerns were not being addressed.  By returning "home", Theresa has gratitude this awful chapter of her life is over for now.

Rant over.  And we feel it should be said the Adult Day Service run by Karen Hall & Surj Jhaj at FPV is an excellent program.  Albeit hosted by Fir Park Village, it is somewhat separate.  Theresa regularly attended the Day Service prior to being admitted for long-term residency.  She enjoyed its social activities and outings.  Port Alberni is quite fortunate to have this facility for dementia seniors - and their family members who benefit from the home care break.

xmas 2018

xmas fh th

Dec 25th:  Christmas breakfast - eggs benedict with our smoked salmon lox and her own sparkling asian-pear wine.  She's spending a couple of weeks at home with Evalina, Freddy, Ragnar & Frosty where she's safe from her abusers and can heal.

Theresa's estranged son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) asked her grandchildren to shun her so for a fifth year she got not a single Mothers Day, Birthday or Christmas card.  Come New Years Eve she will surely celebrate with some Hungarian Golden Pear...

Hi Santa!

Dec 2nd:  Listening to wonderful Christmas hymns at the annual Blue Marlin tree lighting again - and Santa dropped by!

toilet Nov 30th:  Theresa says "I am a victim of financial abuse again. This cannot be happening!"  Her estranged children (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) appeared in an Ontario court today.  They asked a Judge to stop her from spending their Inheritance.  They have blocked her nursing home from taking money from her trust account.  She says "THIS IS ELDER ABUSE!"

And this is the second time.  In 2016 they wanted $32,000 in blackmail money to stop harassing me.
  She says it cost her about eight thousand dollars in each of the last five years to have lawyers defend her from spending her own money - $40,000 down the drain...


vinyl coated the deck
Nov 25th:  The vinyl coating on Theresa's new deck looks great - getting ready for railings & sun room.

toilet Nov 19th:  For the second time in twenty-one days, Theresa's nursing home threatened to evict her because an Ontario court blocked them from withdrawing rent money from her $233,000 trust acct set up for nursing home costs.  The court says any such payments need the ok of her three living children - and two of  them have refused approval.  She says "My life is going down the toilet again..."

cut & style please!  done! Nov 7th:  Theresa's new Wednesday routine with Cheryl & Evalina.  Just turned 87 and finally getting some gray's.

replacing my deck - finally!
Oct 10th:  Theresa's deck has needed repairs for over two years but her estranged children (Victor Hutter of Ontario Hydro & Marilyn Hutter Watson of Wilfred Laurier University) took legal action to block her from accessing her Ontario trust acct.  They appeared at an Ontario court claiming she has no right spending money and making donations which are draining their Inheritance.

She has spent $35,000 in legal fees since 2013 defending her spending and declaring to all their mischievous legal moves were FINANCIAL ABUSE & ELDER ABUSE.

Fortunately, she has an investment coming due and can finally go ahead with sun room.

visting Frosty

visiting Ragnar
Oct 10th:  Theresa luvs to give Frosty & Ragnar "massages" when she comes back home.
huge pears this fall
Oct 10th:  We're picking record huge asian pears this fall.  Keeping a few, but will be making wine again from most.

toilet Sept 12th:  5 yrs ago today Theresa moved to The Yukon and told CanadaPost she was never coming back to Ontario.

Sept 9th:  5 yrs ago Theresa met with Woodstock Police to get a restraining order against her estranged kids (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo).  Officer Nikki Vanleeuwen t
old her to change the locks and tell them they'd be trespassing if they try to bother her.

Sept 7th:  5 yrs ago Theresa found Victor and his daughter Christine Baird had called her bank, charging she was mentally ill - causing a freeze on all her accounts for 12 months.  She was destitute.  Her Royal Bank manager later explained to Theresa her estranged grand-daughter, Christine, was fired from Royal Bank for her part in this and other mischievous activities.

Aug 29th:  5 yrs ago Theresa asked her lawyer to revoke the power-of-attorney from her estranged children saying "They're not people you want making the decision "to pull the plug."

Aug 10th:  5 yrs ago her oldest son Fred flew in from The Yukon to help with shopping, meals & laundry.

Aug 7th: 5 yrs ago Theresa was found and taken to Emergence by her dear sister-in-law, Ann.  A giant goose-egg and lots of cuts & bruises.

Aug 6th:  Five years ago today Theresa fell down the basement stairs but received no help - she was convinced her now-estranged daughter & son had left her to die...

fire view from my deck

fire across from marina

fire from deck  glowing fire
Aug 10th:  Five wildfires near town - this one right across from us - we won't forget the nite-time glow.

On July 10th Theresa's # came up on the nursing home wait list - we weren't expecting this 'til year end.  Island Health requires a "yea" or "nay" in two hours and the latter can delay the next opportunity for up to two years and freeze home-care services.

Reluctantly, Theresa was admitted three days later to Fir Park Village in Port Alberni.  It is a 60-resident nursing home with which she was familiar - hosting the seniors club she attended three times per week.

Being way more mobile and healthy than most residents, Theresa has an open tenancy - allowing her to freely come and go with us - with no return or curfew restrictions.  So she often returns to her Cameron Heights home - visiting Frosty & Ragnar, her neighbours, gardening and watching Trump on CNN, The Young & Restless & movies.
admiring my russian sage

my peonies
May 27th:  Another sign Spring is here - her peonies & Russian sage.
both made in 1931
May 27th:  A sure sign of Spring is the Show 'n' Shines.  Here we have two models "made in 1931."


May 22nd:  So Theresa is back after ten-day stay at hospital after picking up some food poisoning on Mothers Day.  Long-time friends & family cannot recall her being admitted overnite since she had babies!  Nurses were all very nice but she's glad to be home.

She got hit very hard in this episode.  So much so her doctor is sending in home-support workers to assist the family with daily care chores - and he placed her on the Island wait list for nursing home residency...

This month it has become a reality Theresa mostly lives "in the moment" and while she will continue to contribute as much as possible to her blog, there will be multiple authors going forward.





May 12th:  walking the gardens at the Crow&Gate Pub
mothers day at crow&gate
May 12th:  steak & kidney pie at the Crow&Gate (Yellow Point) with good friends on Mothers Day

May 11th:  more from the nursery

lazy saturday watching figure skating
Feb 10th:  A lazy Saturday afternoon watching figure skating


Jan 1st 2018:  Hiked down to Canal Beach to watch the annual Polar Bear swim.

me & fran

christmas 2017 thfnln

Evalina & Rick

Fred & Peter
Dec 25th 2017:  Another white Christmas - again this year we saw Santa fishing while driving past Cameron Lake on the way to Duncan. Lesley & Rick did the turkey and I brought my new pear wine. Shared the wonderful dinner with Fran & Peter, Evalina & Fred and Christmas crackers.

My estranged son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) asked my grandchildren to shun me so for a fourth straight year I got not a single Mothers Day, Birthday or Christmas card and New Years Eve will be a good night to celebrate with some Hungarian Golden Pear...


Dec 24th:  It's snowing! So we took Frosty for a good run because she loves the white stuff. Can you tell she misses the Yukon?

My church doesn't have midnight mass this year but we did celebrate Christmas season with a CWL lunch and St Vincent de Paul supper.

86 bd with fh th ez

Oct 20th:  We're celebrating my 86th birthday tonite - wonderful Italian food, wine and pumpkin spice cheesecake at La Bruschetta. 


86th crown roast

86 with peter & fran

86 with Lesley
Oct 15th:  We're celebrating the third anniversary of our move to Vancouver Island with Leslie and Fran and Peter's crown pork roast and pumpkin pie.


2017 toy run 1244 bikes

Sept 16th:  Enjoyed breakfast and live music at the downtown harbour.  Then we heard the roar of 1,244 motorcycles stopping by in Port Alberni for their annual visit.

4th yr out west
Sept 12th:  Four years ago today I left Ontario behind along after months of elder abuse at the hands of Victor Hutter of Port Elgin and Marilyn Watson of Waterloo.  To this day they are trying to steal my life savings.  I celebrated my escape from them with good Greek food and wine at Orestes.


holding blair park goats

blair goats
July 11th:  It was fun petting goats, sheep, doggies, chickens & ducks at Blair Park tonight.

July 8th:  Port Alberni's main street is shut down for a car show.  Here's two beautiful Corvairs from the 60's.  BTW, we have three deli's in the Valley.


June 12th:  Five days after eye surgery and I'm trying Zumba class at the gym!


bunnies nanaimo
June 7th:  I've had a blind eye for ten years. Today I was at Nanaimo Hospital.  My specialist says he can fix it with his laser.  Between procedures we stopped for pizza at the park and found about three dozen friendly bunnies.

mother's day 2017
May 14th:  Sharing Mother's Day with Fran, Lesley & Evalina at Heritage East Indian Cuisine near Cowichan Lake


March 29th:  This long winter meant less hiking and way too much time watching old movies and Trump on CNN. So Evalina and I joined the gym...

March 19th  The first hummingbird showed up today so Spring on the way finally. We attended a nice Sunday afternoon concert with famous Islanders Valdy & Gary.

2016 wine from my asian pear tree

beat-the-bear wine 2016
March 5th:  I'm so proud of my asian pear tree.  We harvested just before the black bear raids and now have 90 bottles of sparkling wine!
bear pear bottling
March 4th:  My asian pear tree produced 500 pounds of fruit last fall so we had much of it pressed into juice. Today Peter & Fran helped us cork 90 bottles of this liquid gold.

13 inches in february
Feb 4th:  Over two feet of snow has fallen in the last 8 weeks!  So instead of going for walks I'm mostly inside doing some major downsizing.


Jan 26th:  A night of good food and friends at La Bruschetta Restaurant. We celebrated Freddy's last nite before turning "65". Since he has two left feet, Judy lent me her husband Willy for the good songs.


banner in duncan


Jan 23rd 2017:  For the first time in six weeks I can see my green lawn again - the snow is finally gone. Instead of -11ºC it's +11ºC today and very sunny.  A nice day for my drive to Duncan with Evalina to attend the Catholic Women's League retreat.


ladysmith christmas lights
Dec 25th 2016:  We drove through downtown Ladysmith on the way home to see their famous Christmas lights.

My estranged son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) asked my grandchildren to shun me so for a third straight year I got not a single Mothers Day, Birthday or Christmas card and New Years Eve will be a good night to celebrate with some Hungarian Golden Pear...
alistair & peter

christmas at lesley's in duncan
Lesley hosted a potluck Christmas - we brought homemade poppy seed strudel. Alistair greeting Peter - it was a sad and "quiet" night with his buddies Odin & Molly spending the holiday in doggie heaven this year.
santa fishing!

Well that's something you don't see every day! We just left Port Alberni and there's Santa out fishing on Cameron Lake in Cathedral Grove park.
christmas day 2016

eggs benedict
Dec 25th:  It's a rare white Christmas on Vancouver Island and we're starting out with Evalina's traditional Eggs-Benedict with champagne mimosa. We smoked our sockeye to make the lox - oh so tender and tasty. Then on the way to Duncan.







Dec 17th:  After sunset we enjoyed a roast beef Christmas dinner at our Yacht Club. Everyone came with appetizers, veggies & desserts to share. Evalina brought her famous tiramisu. During the feast all the members shared a favourite sailing story.

Fred days our offshore racer, Mazurek, has the club's deepest keel (down seven feet) and the tallest mast (58').  We were encouraged to join in with the annual stringing of Christmas lights.
nite reflection

Dec 17th:  Because of the rare cold wave we still have lots of snow in Port Alberni. It was a big surprise to find the -11ºC temperature had frozen the salty ocean water around all the boats at our marina in Deep Bay. And made for good reflections!


Dec 10th:  Yesterday we woke up to four inches of fresh snow and took Frosty-Girl to the doggie park.  She was not very co-operative! Another six inches this morning makes for a winter wonderland.

cameron heights girls
Dec 3rd:  A bunch of girls from Cameron Heights at the CWL Christmas Lunch.  And tomorrow we're all going to the St Vincent de Paul supper.

nice trophy
Nov 24th:  The yacht club presented this beautiful trophy to the "potluckers" at tonite's AGM.  I guess they liked our cabbage rolls!

   correct link for sailing video Nov 20th:  One of my favourite restaurants (Blue Marlin) arranged a community tree lighting and Christmas carol sing-along.

     correct link for sailing video

     correct link for 2nd sailing video
Nov 6th:  A gorgeous day of sailing turned into fun with the help of a bunch of sea lions.  They played hide&seek with our boat for fifteen minutes.

Three days ago we picked the last of our Asian Pears - that's five hundred pounds in all - and we're going to try and make some wine.

clubhouse at Deep Bay
Oct 27th:  Oktoberfest potluck at the (floating) Deep Bay Yacht Club ... we took the cabbage rolls.


Oct 2nd:  Gabriola Island just past exciting whirlpools at Dodd Narrows and Nanaimo harbour.
leaving maple bay

helm at maple bay
Oct 2nd:  Starting out for an all day cruise from Maple Bay.  We agree Vancouver Island looks way better from the sea than the highway!
marina birdseye

birdseyecove floathomes

birds eye cove
Oct 1st:  Beautiful scenery, swans & floating homes.  And lots of good food and drinks at the Shipyard Restaurant in Bird's Eye Cove.

morgan berthed at birds eye cove
Oct 1st:  We found a night berth in gorgeous Birds Eye Cove.  Mazurek is not just a classic race yacht, it's also "home sweet home" when we're cruising.
Oct 1st:  Leaving Sidney on Mazurek & passing a pit stop for birdies.
leaving sidney Sept 30th:  Fred & Larry heading out on Mazurek to test new GPS chart software so we don't get lost or wander into shallow water...

When I spent the summer in Lions Bay BC fifteen years ago, we got an awful phone call from Fred's siblings announcing my Snipe would never be coming West even though it was his turn to sail it - because they "gave it away".

My husband and I and Fred all loved going to regattas - all over Ontario, New York & the Maritimes.  We were heartbroken with this news and I promised our cherished race boat would be replaced some day.  With this one, there's no more darn hiking...

It's been almost three years since my family sent greetings from Ontario so I'm spending their inheritance!

Sept 21st:  We all went for a sail in Sidney.  To quote Fred's friend Bill, "would you rather have a view ... or be the view?"


    link for sailing race video
Sept 11th:  Watching sailboat races at Deep Bay.

sorry, no pic's
Sept 4th:  Lots of good music, friends, food & fireworks at Port Alberni's Salmon Festival again.

Aug 13th:  Too many hot days over 30 degrees so we've been hiking with Frosty on the forest trails this Summer - a real nice break from watching the Olympics every day.


   correct link for sausagefest
July 16th:  Visiting Peter & Fran to make some more garlic sausage and bacon.  It being Evalina's birthday, Lesley treated us to a lovely English brunch (and drinks) at "Hudson's on First" in Duncan.

July 9th:  On the way to the Jane Austen festival.




May 8th:  Went to Ladysmith with a bunch of moms on Mother's Day for East Indian at the Spice Hut. Biggest rosemary bush ever is outside!


May 3rd:  Saw lots of deer & alpacas on the way to Chemainus.  Going to have Chinese food with friends.
last year's video

April 20th:  The hummingbirds have been coming for a month.  My pear & plum trees are in blossom. Lots of blue skies & temperature records (30ºC today).

Alberni trekkers

April 12th:  A fun evening at Char's Landing celebrating Yuri Gagarin Nite with the Alberni Trekkers.

  correct link for last dance

   correct link for closing time

   correct dance link

bette & me

out to sproat lake for music & drinks

March 17th:  My good neighbour Bette enjoying live music, dancing and green beer with us at Sproat Lake.

Is BLACKMAIL a form of Elder Abuse?

March 16th:  I was warned today my estranged son (Victor Hutter of Ontario Hydro, Port Elgin) intends to continue his harassing phone calls even if I pay his $32,000 blackmail money. Is he insane?

more hyacinths

end of winter


March 15th:  My hyacinths came out last week. Camellias too. And my plum tree and pear tree are budding.

Is BLACKMAIL a form of Elder Abuse?

March 13th:  Well, the lies are exposed. Fred says a new email from Victor retracts his promise yesterday to never contact me. I made arrangements this morning to pay his $32,000 blackmail money to get peace back in my life. But since it's obvious I can't trust him, definitely no cheque going to Port Elgin. To repeat, I don't even want him (or Marilyn or Christine) at my funeral!

Is BLACKMAIL a form of Elder Abuse?

March 12th:  Excellent news today. Victor emailed Fred this morning to say if I pay the $32,000 blackmail money, I never have to talk to him or see him again for the rest of my life. I will be free of his harassment by March 31st. Time to go to the lawyer and get this in writing.

the whole gang (except evalina)

Lesley is 88 !

at Duncan for a birthday party

March 9th:  Peter & Fran joined us in Duncan for lamb and champagne mimosas to celebrate Lesley's 88th birthday. Lots of daffodils out this week.

  correct link for mozilla browsers

Feb 27th:  Me and Frosty at the doggie park

lunch at the Clam Bucket

   correct link for mozilla browsers

lunch with agnes

Feb 25th:  So nice to share oyster and halibut burgers and wine at the Clam Bucket with Agnes, a truly special friend of 65 years!


another truckload of my stuff

Feb 24th:  Allied Van Lines is back with another load. It is so nice to finally have all my stuff under one roof again!  My estranged son and daughter (Victor Hutter & Marilyn Watson) obtained a court order to put all my belongings in storage two years ago.  They refused to pay any rent.  I may go to jail but I don't care and had everything sent here to Vancouver Island.  I need it.  And the shipping bill is coming out of their inheritance! 

crocuses are back

Feb 21st:  First robins in the neighbourhood - also one day later than last year

Feb 13th:  More rain in February, lots of foggy mornings, sometimes sun in the afternoon to bring out more flowers and heather.

spring is here!

Feb 8th:  It's 12C & the first crocuses opened today - only one day later than last year. Spring is here!

eating sprouts already

alfred's birds

Feb 3rd:  Even though the winter rains continue, nothing puts a smile on your face faster than catching an early morning visitor nibbling fresh grass and garden sprouts.

A few minutes later, all I could see was starlings and wondered if Alfred Hitchcock was in town. Each winter day we've been putting out seeds, bread crumbs and diced lard for the jays, flickers, towhees, thrush and juncos. The neighbourhood also has bald eagles, doves, pigeons, crows and gulls.

Jan 9th:  A full house at the Legion tonight to see the Elvis tribute and of course some dancing (sorry no pic's).

Is BLACKMAIL a form of Elder Abuse?

Feb 2nd 2016:  A few days ago I found out I have a $32,000 investment coming due early.  Then by coincidence of course, I got a letter from my estranged children's snake lawyer demanding I pay them $32,000 within two weeks or they will use an Ontario court to declare me mentally incompetent, force me to return to a mental institution in Ontario and give them control over my money, investments and all my assets.

All these nasty court actions and lawyer letters are elder abuse. I am being blackmailed by my estranged son (Victor Hutter, formerly of Ontario Hydro, Port Elgin) and my estranged daughter (Marilyn Watson of Wilfred Laurier Univ, Waterloo).

Back in August 2013 the Woodstock police were helping me get a restraining order against them and granddaughter Christine Hutter Baird. After I moved to The Yukon, the Whitehorse RCMP there referred me to Victim Services to protect myself. Here in BC, I gain met with the RCMP to ask for help to protect me from ongoing harassment by Victor.

This time the bank manager says Victor told him part of the money in my GIC's is his.  Then he told the manager I can't cash in my GIC's to pay off my mortgage because that is his inheritance money.  He is a pathological liar.  He lies and lies to the court and the bank and my family and my friends.

It never stops...

I am very thankful the police are helping me keep him away but they can't stop the ongoing mischievous court actions and lawyer letters which have drained tens of thousands of dollars from my life savings since I revoked Marilyn Watson & Victor Hutter of their power of attorney status two years ago.  I never want to see them again ... not even at my funeral!

new year's day breakfast

Jan 1st:  Happy 2016! This past week was fun and wonderfully delicious with christmas concerts, seafoods including squid, a kangaroo burger, lots of chocolate and homemade cookies, many toasts, then prime rib and dancing on New Year's Eve.

This morning we made eggs benedict with escargot and champagne mimosas. Then all walked down to the beach to watch this year's 70 brave locals participating in the polar bear swim.

white eagle

snow on boxing day

Dec 27th 2015:  A day late but it was so nice to get three inches of snow these past two days to set the right mood for all the Christmas decorated homes in town.

My estranged son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) asked my grandchildren to shun me so for a second straight year I got not a single Mothers Day, Birthday or Christmas card and New Years Eve will be a good night to celebrate with some Hungarian Golden Pear...


Peter's smoked bacon

Oct 24th:  We had the deli from 1960 to 1994. So many good memories came back with our sausage-making party with Peter & Fran in Cobble Hill!

Their Traeger Smoker has shared up some real nice side bacon, back bacon, salmon, arctic char, prime rib and pastrami.


bette and rod at my birthday at bavaria again

Oct 20th:  Back to the Little Bavarian again for my 84th birthday with Bette, Rod, Fred & Evalina. 
open water

happy evalina

Fran & me

barkely cruise

another cruise to ocean

Sept 13th:  Fran and Peter joined us for a cruise up our fjord (Barkley Sound).  Their sandwiches and cider and a bit of whale-watching made for a wonderful voyage.

white water

stamp falls bear chasing salmon


stamp falls hike

Sept 12th:  Headed up to Stamp Falls with Peter & Fran.  After four months of clear blue skies we're finally getting some rain for the local creeks and rivers.  The sockeye, coho and chinook are real happy ... so are the black bear!

carving on the deck

golden eagle

chainsaw art

Sept 7th:  Fred picked up a new pet - a golden eagle - at the Port Alberni Salmon Festival.
precious eh

einstein sandcastle in parksville

Aug 15th:  Finished this great day with a trip to Parksville to see the sandcastle festival. My favourite was the Einstein.
snowbirds over b29

comox air show

Aug 15th:  Another air show. This time at the Comox Air Force Base. Lots of acrobatics, B-29, the Snowbirds & the F-18 in the sky and much more on the runways.



July 9th:  The Hawaii Martin Mars water bomber is stationed over the hill at Sproat Lake.  Quite a thrill when it buzzes our rooftops on practice water drops by the beach.

ocean bound

down the Alberni Inlet

meeting people on the cruise

my house on the hill...

July 4th:  Today we are cruising down the fjord towards the open Pacific. There's a good view of my Cameron Heights neighbourhood from the water.
belles lunch

the belles

jane austen dancers

July 2nd:  Another sunny day was welcome as Evalina and I attended a Jane Austen Tea at the Rollins Art Centre. I enjoyed the period costumes and dance performances of the local Centennial Belles.


lots of car shows

July 1st:  Today we're at the Westwind car show in Port Alberni. We learned Vancouver Island has been very rich in antique, classic and sports cars for well over 50 years. There's a Show 'n Shine or race virtually every weekend. Folks here really love their cars.


another good ride...

Fred enjoys the Island highways flying around in his (4th) Firebird.  It' may be the fifth or sixth time I've spoiled my first born. 

It's been a year and a half since my family sent greetings from Ontario so I'm spending their inheritance!

that was fun!

please wave

over the airport

going higher

my glider ride

June 28th:  As this exciting day continued, Fred & Evalina then surprised me with my first glider ride - - started by a tow to 4,000' and a memorable peaceful float that seemed to last forever...

my street

view of cameron heights

view of the alberni valley

sproat lake

with fred

in the cessna

cessna rides

cessna tour


June 28th:  Attended Open House at the Alberni Valley Flying Club today. Fred & Evalina took me for a Cessna tour of Sproat Lake, Port Alberni and even my subdivision (Cameron Heights) and Motion Drive.



copter takeoff




June 28th:  Lovely day for an air show:  C130 water tanker, Aurora, Cormorant, biplane and more.
at the mill tour

mclean mill

the mill

our steam engine

window seat

train ride

train station

June 27th:  Nice hot sunny day to board the Alberni choo-choo train to attend a mill tour north of town.

fish & chip in victoria

June 18th:  A nice sunny day trip to Duncan, Cobble Hill & the Log Cabin in Langford for fish & chips with good friends - Lesley, Peter & Fran.


June 15th:  We love the neighbourhood wildlife ... even if they nibble in the garden sometimes. It is common to see deer, racoons and black bear. Less visible are the cougar and wolves.

We've had no rain for many weeks and most days are over 30C and the grass has gone brown and dormant.

theatre bar

at the little theatre

May 19th:  Another nice evening with friends at the live theatre.

lotsa meetings May 15th:  So many meetings in Port Alberni:  Catholic Womens League, seniors, garden club, politics...
  correct link for hummers April 26th:  We sometimes have as many as four hummingbirds at a time at the feeder. They are fascinating to watch...
harbour view March 23rd:  There is a new ship in the harbour every week. The pink cherry blossoms line many streets in Port Alberni.
plywood park

March 21st:  Hiking along the Sproat River at Plywood Park

magnolia buds March 6th:  Here come the magnolias!
oops - came with heads


frosty wants our prawns

March 4th:  What is more delicious than jumbo spotted prawns just two hours out-of-the-ocean? Thanks to our new fisherman friends, we have been feasting well - our fjord also has dungeness crab, halibut, snapper, cod & four kinds of salmon. Further out they get Fanny Bay oysters & octopus for us.


cherry blossoms


Feb 28th:  This is February? It started with a greening of the moss, then crocuses on Feb 7th, followed by daffodils and blossoms.

f & e

east indian restaurant

Jan 27th:  Celebrated Fred's birthday tonight - delicious East Indian food with refreshing mango lassi.

frozen bears

polar bears

Then we zipped down to the beach to watch the brave ones in the local polar bear swim.


eggs benedict & mimosa

Jan 1st 2015:  Bringing in the New Year with eggs-Benedict and champagne mimosa. 


NY's eve

Dec 31st 2014:  I brought in the new year with a night of dancing at the Legion.

My estranged son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) asked my grandchildren to shun me so I got not a single Mothers Day, Birthday or Christmas card this year and it's a good night to celebrate with some Hungarian Golden Pear...
Bishop Michael Gordon

the blessing

Dec 20th:  Imagine my surprise when the Bishop of Whitehorse, the Most Reverend Gary Michael Gordon, was named Bishop of Victoria and my parish. He dropped in this weekend to bless the food for our Christmas luncheon.

2014 was an amazing year ... having pictures with both my Bishop and my Prime Minister!

grotto st mary

new church


Just minutes from home is my Port Alberni Catholic church - Notre Dame Holy Family parish. It has beautiful gardens and feature the Saint Mary grotto.

friday politics

Dec 19th:  Met our area Conservative MPs at a wine & cheese today at the golf club in Qualicum Beach. Lots of deer grazing on the greens ... still no snow staying yet. We finished the day with a delicious seafood dinner at The Clam Bucket.



Dec 6th:  Nothing beats the sounds echoing in the valley of the Port Alberni choo-choo train...

Nov 28th:  We got an inch of snow today but that didn't stop another beautiful sunset. This first snowfall of the season brought down the rest of the leaves on my pear tree.

my mountain view

Nov 23rd:  While the WeatherNetwork says this week there was lots of snow all across Canada and down to Texas and a big dump in Buffalo, we were raking leaves and cutting the grass. This morning the local peaks are white for the first time! I love Vancouver Island.


Nov 4th:  After 14 months I finally have my belongings back! When they heard back in February I sold my Windermere Crescent home, my estranged son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) made their second of four attempts to declare me mentally incompetent.

Their snake of a lawyer got an Owen Sound court order to block me from my Herend china, my clothes, my jewellery, my hair dryer, my furniture, my photo albums, my bible - yes everything ... until I agree to return to Ontario for a mental examination by some quack social worker in London. They also blocked my intended estate sale and the announced donation of the proceeds to the building fund for my church, Holy Trinity Parish.

As I start the unpacking of my 62 boxes, the task has me teary-eyed and rightfully so. Many good memories. It is a great day and I look forward to starting this new chapter on Vancouver Island.


birthday at the bavarian

Oct 20th:  The deer and bear visit my Asian pear tree almost every evening.  I celebrated my 83rd birthday with Fred & Evalina at The Little Bavaria tonight. Lots of good German food, desserts, music and Hungarian white wine. Thank you to all who sent cards and called!

the Little Bavaria restaurant

the band



Oct 17th:  Who knew Port Alberni has been celebrating Oktoberfest for 48 years? I was treated with folk dancers, bratwurst, frankfurters, potato salad, sauerkraut and a dozen dance partners. It's been 20 years since I had a night like this! 


motion roses

motion drive

my ocean view

Oct 15th:  Here is my winter home in Port Alberni, Vancouver Island. I have a wonderful view of the Pacific. We're on a big hill but the neighbours promise I will never need to shovel snow...

grove giant

cathedral grove

Oct 13th:  Three days of driving and we're finally in the Alberni Valley on Vancouver Island. The whole trip the trees have been getting bigger ... from 12" trunks in the Yukon to these in Cathedral Grove park. Just 15 minutes and we'll be in Cameron Heights, Port Alberni.

perfect spot

Oct 12th:  Lots of excitement with a bison herd blocking the highway last night. Today we have beautiful blue skies and I found the perfect place for a picnic just south of Fort Nelson BC.

following freddy

Oct 11th:  There's been 8" of snow in the Yukon already but it's the last I'll be seeing for awhile. I will miss all my new friends at "the club" because the U-Haul is packed and today we're heading down the Alaska Hwy and back to Vancouver Island for the winter. 

Fanny Bay oysters

victoria quay

Sept 18th:  Toasting a new chapter in my life by trying those famous Fanny Bay oysters (for the first time). In just a few minutes me, Fred and Evalina (she's holding the camera) watched dozens of salmon jumping like crazy as they enter the Somass River from the Pacific. I love this Island and it's ideal for my winter home. I am happy here and will be back soon...

Coombs goats

goats on the roof

Sept 16th:  Having fun with some of the famous Coombs goats who live on this sod roof.


Sept 15th:  It's so warm down here and the bears are much more friendly than ours in the Yukon.

ferry to vancouver island

Sept 13th:  Sailing into the sunset with my son, Fred. We all flew to Vancouver and now we're on the ferry half-way to Vancouver Island. The 49th parallel is way nicer than the 60th!  Back home there's snow on the peaks and frost already.

atlin bc

Sept 12th 2014:  Due to elder abuse by my estranged daughter & son (Marilyn Watson & Victor Hutter), I was forced to leave my beloved Windermere home in Woodstock exactly one year ago today. I celebrated my escape with an inspiring visit to Atlin BC.

supermoon & frosty


Sept 8th:  A pleasant evening on "supermoon" night with Frosty at our home in Judas Creek Marina.

beaver at work

Sept 8th:  A busy beaver stocking branches for winter

Sacred Heart Cathedral

Aug 31st:  Most Sundays you can find me at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Whitehorse






Aug 29th:  Started the long weekend with a trip to the Beringia wildlife museum.  Ten thousand years ago this part of The Yukon was loaded with mammoths, sabre tooth tigers & bison.

pm & me

mr & mrs harper!

marina bear

Aug 20th:  Well what a week this was!  It's nice to have friends in high places - Fred & Evalina took me to meet Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Laureen.

I saw a moose on the Alaska Hwy, chinook salmon at the fish ladder in the Yukon River and a black bear snacking on the Saskatoon berries beside our cabin.

artist Aug 10th:  Meghan keeps us busy at "the club"!
train gang

train break

T & M

TH & ice cream

megan ice cream


megan & bear


Aug 8th:  The best way to see "heaven on earth" is by train & bus with some of your good friends ... and don't forget to stop for ice cream!

klondike TH


July 22nd:  Evalina, Fred and I are in Whitehorse celebrating some excellent news on this the warmest day of the summer so far - 26ºC - and my bank has thawed my bank accounts!

My estranged son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) mischievously declared me mentally incompetent in Sept/2013 and seized my life savings.  I finally regained control today. It took me ten months and a letter from a specialist at University of BC to satisfy my bank that I was not cuckoo.  The Yukon RCMP called it mischievous activity.  I call it elder abuse!


the agony of defeat ... in Rio

July 8th:  So it's my Brazil against Germany and who do I cheer for?  My mistake...


June 28th:  Can't wait 'til Friday.  My Brazilian team plays Columbia!!

solstice sunset

solstice midnite

June 21st:  I can't believe it!  Here's Marsh Lake at midnite on solstice.  Blue sky and not a single star up there.  Sunset was at 11:30pm and sunrise will come at 3:30am and the birds will start singing! 


May 30th:  No Spring, we've gone straight from Winter to Summer!  Do you see why I call Yukon home?  Why would anyone want to leave this place?

mama bear & cub

May 17th:  Marsh Lake black bears & their cubs are coming out of hibernation.

thomson freda April 30th:  A good day for Freda, my friend at "the club".  She's 93!

April 14th:  Finally a hint of Spring here at Marsh Lake marina - open water and the first swans and duckies.


April 14th:  Frosty really loves the snow and will miss it soon.  Her first birthday was in February.


March 3rd:  Almost no snow or wind since New Years Day.  There's 4 feet of ice on Marsh Lake.  Always lots of blue sky on my daily walks.

Every once-in-awhile we can watch the Northern Lights around midnight!

chinese a&w

Feb 22nd:  It's been milder here in the Yukon than in Woodstock these past few weeks. There's been almost no snow since New Years Day but that didn't hurt this week's international ice sculpture display in Whitehorse. After chatting with the artist from China, we went for mama burgers.

moose snow

Feb 20th:  During my first five months here the only wildlife I saw was the marina bald eagles. But this week was amazing. I added two moose, a coyote, a fox and a flock of ptarmigan to my list!

clik for audio


Feb 15th 2014:  Zoom-Zoom touched the hearts of many in Judas Creek. He was our little athlete and so caught us all by surprise when he took a trip to meet his special buddy Topaz in pet heaven this weekend...


With even more snow on Christmas Day 2013, Frosty and I have almost three feet of powder to play in now...

BTW, I'm calling CNN tomorrow with my new remedy for alzheimers:  Hungarian Golden Pear!

the YouTube links:  video#1 & video#2


Dec 25th:  A very Merry Christmas to all my friends, fellow-parishioners & relatives who have been so supportive in my elder abuse battle. I have told my estranged son Victor Hutter of Port Elgin, my estranged daughter Marilyn Watson of Waterloo & my estranged granddaughter Christine Hutter Baird of Penticton BC that I never want to see them or talk to them for the rest of my life...


Dec 18th:  -37ºC & 2 feet of snow

I can handle that ok, but there's stuff going on back in Ontario which is sending all my life plans down the toilet again. My son Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & my daughter Marilyn Watson of Waterloo left me to die when I fell down the basement stairs last August and today I find instead of getting an apology, they have asked the Ontario Superior Court to force me to come back to their care. I moved to the Yukon Sept 12th to escape their despicable behaviour and heal. I don't want to live anymore if they are in charge of my well being and money. This is truly elder abuse and financial abuse and I dearly hope many other seniors can learn from my "overly trusting" mistakes.  It's not so much what I did ... but who I trusted.


Dec 9th & 12" of snow. I love it here but getting real excited about a trip to Ontario. I borrowed a little bit of money against my life insurance policy and planning to tour some Woodstock retirement homes starting Jan 25th.


Dec 2nd:  Hey, I'm a Yukoner now! Got my health & Pharmacare cards today.

Dec 4th:  I agreed to sell Windermere to my neighbour today.

It's -32ºC outside and there's 7" of snow so far...

frosty ice coming

Nov 10th:  It's starting to freeze...


birthday YouTube video

birthday hike  
     my YouTube hiking video

shoreline hike

Oct 20th:  hiking the Marsh Lake shoreline on my 82nd Birthday

frosty break

Oct 1st:  taking a break from gardening with Frosty


This place is heaven on earth!

snow where?


whitehorse airport

So, I'm finally in Whitehorse Yukon.

  lots of fall colours...
  finally over the Yukon...

glaciers near Alaska/BC/Yukon borders

forest fire

I'm on the jet!  Here's a forest fire near the Alaska border.


Sept 12th:  My life is going down the toilet!!

In August 2013 my son & daughter (Victor Hutter of Port Elgin & Marilyn Watson of Waterloo) left me for dead at the bottom of my basement staircase.  I sure didn't want them to be the ones a doctor asks to pull the plug on me someday so my lawyer revoked their power of attorney status.  After being informed, they called my bank (as joint owners), said they had declared me mentally incompetent and demanded Royal Bank freeze all my accounts and VISA.

I've been told it may take up to five years to have a specialist confirm my brain is ok and sort out this legal battle to get back my life savings.  I can't do it from Woodstock 'cuz I am destitute and have only $20 in my purse.

This is financial abuse!  This is elder abuse!

I've decided to fly to the Yukon today to live with my eldest son and his spouse (Fred Hutter & Evalina Zamana) at Marsh Lake Marina.

frosty in the kitchen

May 2nd 2013:  Welcoming young Frosty-Girl to Woodstock from Amber's kennel.  Soon she'll be flying to The Yukon with Evalina.

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